We are hopefully moving house within the next few weeks, it's the school holidays, we're off camping next weekend and life feels hectic. So I was thinking that my little blog here might loose out on my attention with little time for illustrating. Then as I was clearing a cupboard today I found an old box file filled with old photographs. I know they aren't my illustrations but somehow it seems OK to put them up here to show you. They came from my Nanna's house when after it was cleared when she died.

I just had to pick a few to show you, they are so atmospheric and indicative of times gone by.
I don't know who any of these children are. Are any of them my Dad, John Howarth, or my Uncle David?
I don't know who any of these beautiful young women are but one may be my Nanna (my Dad's Mum). Her maiden name was Louisa Fowweather.
Who are these young men? The man top right has signed his photograph to give to the girl he was courting perhaps. Are any of them my Grandad he was called Percy Howarth?
Here's a glipse of life gone by. Considering photography was such a novel and expensive thing to do it's quite amazing that a snapshot of Nanna in the kitchen was taken. (She looks incredibly like my Dad!)
And this I find amazing. It is a reference for my Nanna, before she married when she worked as a milliner. She made hats. This is a picture of Nanna. Is this some sort of millinery event?
I really don't know the answers to many of my questions and I find these images really poigniant and precious. If you know anything about them I would love to hear from you.
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